she on the rocks sighed every day

OOC here!

The question she replied with left him antsy. Did he really want to go through with releaving his life onto her shoulders? Giving someone else his burdens and issues? He was, after all, a monster with two heads and now the angelic head was starting to have a permanent scowl. If he had any luck with friendships at all it might soon rattle and shake, his inability to separate himself from Fang increasing and his sanity declining. He clung to the hope that telling the kind woman his life might help him out, a fact that most certainly couldn't be promised but could be tested.

"Yes," he said slowly, "Infact sometimes I don't exactly know which is which anymore..." He gave a low sigh and hung his head, black eyes tilted to the sand below them. His attitude had slowly melted away from earlier; the happiness of a young pup deminished from his personality. That's when she inquired of the apology. Why had he apologized? It was simple, yet complicated at the same time. He didn't want to be close to anyone, yet he did. He didn't want anyone he knew to get hurt, yet strangers got hurt by Fang daily. He didn't want to burder others with his problems, yet he needed to in order to feel the humanity he still some what possessed.

The gap between them closed, she willingly threw her hands around his neck and pulled herself into him. It was a hug. Something he'd never had since a pup and even then he still couldn't remember things his mother or sister had done for him. It made things complicated in a headache kind of way. But slowly he felt himself relaxing under her, the words she said calming him down. It was a hug. His arms wrapped around her back and he hugged her back. Never, ever apologize, Toby, never ever. For a moment, he sighed into her shoulder and had a hope that it could be so easy. "Sometimes we have to apologize, even when nothing is bad, because if we don't we might miss the opportunity later," he whispered quietly into her ear.

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Fang/Toby table by Bria.

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