something greater than we are.
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"My father leads Shadowed Sun. Pilot. At least...I thinks he's my father." He had been thinking about that a lot, actually. As he was growing Sirius was noticing things. big Apollo was getting, compared to him. Both pups were small, as they'd been born prematurely, but it was obvious that his brother was going to be much larger than him in the end. Sirius didn't understand how something like that could happen, if they both had the same mother and father. How could they look so different?

"I thinks my father is really a coyote. My mother the fire. I can't ask her." He took the offer of warmth, ignoring Anselm's remarks about wet sticks. It really was warmer when they were together, and he leaned into the fur that surrounded him with unspoken gratitude and a small sigh. "Are you mixed?"


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