and though we have sinned all of our lives


Anu couldn’t even imagine how intense a sandstorm could truly be. She had really never been to the desert; one that stretched for more miles then a wolf could walk in a week, and where water was only a figment of your imagination. Though the south was hot, she always kept to where water was available and ample, some places even had air thick with it.

Though she did not know what peyote was, she figured it was similar to the whiskey that she had sampled some time ago. It had made her feel like she had lost her mind, as well as her self-control. In her head she pictured a coyote running from a huge dust cloud, his legs moving so quickly they blurred together. She gave a half mouthed smirk, “Stuff like that always makes for an interesting time.”

“Do you have a family that travels with you, then? Little coyotes with banjos and hats?” She smiled as her imagination ran with it, only meaning to tease him, not mock. It was all innocent enough.


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