Get yourself back home
Word Count :: 419 It looks good <3 Alaki's necklace (kinda matching to Chi's) is tied to his Katana's sheath. And sorry for sucky post, muse doesn't wanna play nice today.

She had watched him silently from the confines of tangled mess of branches and leaves she hid within, unsure what to make of the grey coloured male, beady eyes glaring at the wolf with silent confusion and curiosity instead of cawing like she had so been instructed. So familiar to her master and yet not he, hoovering by the borders and yet neither calling or approaching closer. Undecided how to deal with the situation the hooded crow took the sky, heading directly back to the training grounds where she'd last seen her master in hope of finding him.

Blue eyes flicked up to the sky, spotting the small dot in the sky that grew in size as the crow grew closer and began her descent. Quickly he sheathed his katana and held out a bare arm, wincing slightly as Chiya landed heavily upon his arm, instantly going into some confusing explanation involving high and low speech and generally making little sense. “Chiya, silence” he asked the bird, his voice soft despite the short command, the crow falling silent at the sound of her master's voice. “Slowly, explain” he asked and listened intently as the crow indicated in low speech that there was a stranger by the borders. Lifting his arm up to the sky, the hooded crow too off by instinct, circling above him awaiting her commands, “Lead me to him, i'll deal with this now”. Walking over to the fence that marked the outdoor training space separate to the rest of the village he placed a hand upon the coarse wood and hooped over the fence with ease.

Following the crows lead he briskly made his way through the territory, his breath heavy from the faster pace he had set himself. Drawing near to the border he paused, allowing himself to catch his breath and collect himself somewhat so that it wasn't as obvious that he'd rushed over from the grounds to see to the stranger. Bringing himself up to his full height he held his tail high, a slight show of dominance that came to him almost naturally these days when dealing with border matters. Pushing forward he left the shadows of trees and spotted the stranger quickly enough, only he wasn't so much as a stranger but an old acquaintance... of sorts.

“What the hell do you want on my borders, wolf” he asked, his voice cold and uncaring, teeth bared slightly in threat that the other should watch his manners a little this time round.

Wolf photo by incanus, textures by Wu-KillahD & AsunderStock

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