Blue Monday
Your avatar is full of hotness and win. -nodnod-

Not only were her morning walks, adventures, whatever they were called, a time for her to get to know the lands, it was also a time for her to think. She was slowly beginning to settle with the fact that she did indeed have two fathers, instead of one, even if they were both in the same body. The first one, the father that she had been most aware of, was much stronger in presence and word, he was not a push over. The second, however, was more the quiet and defeated type. He'd fought with her for a time, trying to get her to return to Inferni, but eventually he'd just given up on it all. Her stubborn ways and wish to stay made her oblivious to the fact that he didn't want her there for a reason more than just not wanting her there. She could be putting him in danger, in all actuality, if Gabe ever thought that she'd been kidnapped or something of the nature.

It was the voice that broke her from her thoughts and, for a moment, Rachias thought it better to ignore the voice. It wasn't until she considered that someone might actually be talking to her that she stopped. Bright blue eyes set off in search of the voice, or rather the one that it had come from, and finally settled on the shifted male. "Who're you?" She asked then, immediately and almost suspiciously. She didn't know this person but, at the very least, she figured he wouldn't be there if he wasn't supposed to be. "S'not that early." She commented then, eying the smoke as it drifted into the air. Her gaze was pulled away quickly though, averted at the sight of something hanging over his shoulder.


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