Not the Hero we deserve
The child tried not to move around while the ivory lady was tending to him, all the fuss over his eye and a few cut? Heck even if it hurt, he wouldn't let him-self cry to much, he couldn't let all these pretty ladys see him crying, that would so uncool. The male grunted as she wrapped the banged over his eye, he wanted every one to see his cuts, he thought they where cool. Not because it would get the girls, no he didn't want a girl friend, they where yicky, unless they could roll around in the mud with him. That was the only cool type of girls, and of course boys where cool. Looking up to the white lady he was lost, "I told her she was pretty. What else should I tell her? the male flopped him-self down on ground near the two female, was there something that he need to say? He grunted, not liking the idea of something that he needed to say.

While Naniko was patching up Savina, the male gave a giggle as his face twisted up into in impish grin, as he gingerly placed a paw on his saviors. Oh he didn't want to hurt her, he wanted her to know that he was still there. "Thank you for beating that cat up! THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!! Can we do it again? Like maybe next week..or something. Blood and guts are awesome! Blood, was awesome because it was such a pretty color and it was warm...and it was like mud, just not as thick. Oh..Oh the many of joys. "Oh oh can we can we?" His eye shot between Naniko and Savina, waiting on one of them to tell him yes.

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