some feathers i stole from the birds
Nah, you don't. Hope you're feeling better though.

He had met few that could get a chord right on the first try. Usually the ones who could had dealt with something similar before, like a guitar. Still, he couldn't say that her attempt was all that bad. She didn't jack around on the thing like she was Mick Jagger in front of a crowd around ten thousand, but what she did say after that made him ponder momentarily. “I don't think music is supposed to be our thing. At least playing instruments… these are the things that man made before us.” And for the same reason he liked to wear clothes, he liked to create music in whatever way. Simple fascinations. “But no one does very well on their first try, it always takes practice. I don't think there really are many prodigies out there; I've never met any, at least.”

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