From start to finish...I cover it all

Sorry for PP, I can change it, or you can beat me your choice :3| WC:3+

The silver male grunted as he held his head low in shame. He didn’t mean to upset the dark ashen babe; he swayed upon his three legs shameful of his actions. Though for Noah to show any sort of remorse or any feelings besides hate for the world was more like a miracle within its self. The silver male looked back up to the grey lady her eyes where soft and kind, warm and loving. The male wasn’t sure what to do next. So he sat down listing to her story of how she cared for and provided for her siblings.

The male sat there and gave a nod, trying to give her all of his attention though it did pain him a bit to know that she was close to her sister and brother. The silver male could not stand to even think about going to see his brother. The male that shared the same coat coloring as his mother, the male who has a child, the male who has a mate, the male that has a good spot with in the pack, every think that Noah ever truly wanted in life his brother had…while he was left with nothing. The thought of knowing all of this and looking around and seeing he was in a pack where he was nothing and frankly there was more that did not like him then what did make his mouth ever so bitter tasting.
The male stood back up tucking his leg up under him as he hopped forward twice, coming nose to nose with her, the silver male looked onto her aspen green eyes as he spoke ever so softly. ”I’m sure they are more than just safe and sound. I’m sure they are out there somewhere, in a pack having the times of their lives. Happy that you took the time and effort to raise them and teach them what you did thus far.”

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