
OOC here!

Word Count → 000

Io waited and listened with her eyes never moving from Aeron's own golden ones. She was afraid, nor intimidated. She'd faced worse before, and come out the other side bearing scars but still alive. Her ex-mate would not have her bowing before her. Especially when she no longer needed to respect the woman before her. 'They are children' she stated plainly, 'They do not know what they want. And if you have taught them right they will not question your judgement'. Io shrugged gently, breaking eye contact for a moment to gaze out onto Nova Scotia. 'My children were taught better'. The hybrid turned back to Io, her face plain and unresponsive to the situation. She didn't want to admit it, but she missed Jandro. Because she did love him, all in all. But Dymtr, she felt herself desperate to curl up and die without him.

Her ears perked up and her eyes narrow. 'Me?' she spat, 'Czy ktoś cię cholernie poważnie?' Io wasn't the best at keeping her temper when angered, though anger was rarely something she fronted unless it was extreme. 'You do not know anything, do you?' She shook her head and explained, 'My aunt brought him here. She did not think I could cope and tried to play the saviour. You just assumed I brought him here, not even bothering to ask him?' Though perhaps that wouldn't have worked. Perhaps she'd lied to him. Cheating cow.

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