Love is a heart shaped necklace
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Oooh about to drop an L bomb, nive work on making her squeak lol :3

Her eyes watched the still male, unsure of who to say it. Should she just say it, or did she need to describe how she felt towards him? How was one to say to their companion that they were not just friends, that they were more than a like stage? How was someone to say that they had fallen in love with the man that saved her life, the man that had cared for her, and the man that brought her half dead flowers just because she liked them? Her eyes drilled holes into his shoulder as she just stared at him, for once they did not show her emotions. They stared at him, blank of any emotion or even a hint of what she was thinking. She was just thinking, thinking about how she would tell him her realization.

“Lorenzo.. I lo..” Her voice cut off in a squeak as the man moved with speed she could not track, moving from his warm resting spot and after her. At first her body froze out of instinct from that horrid night but quickly she relaxed as she realized his touch was gentle and nothing but affection. She did not need to ever fear this man; after all she was in love with him. Her body surrendered to his touch, allowing him to press his body against hers. It was funny really, she was finally at her full height and still he towered over her. His body curled around hers like they are pieces of a puzzle fitting together, her hair spraying out wildly against his chest.

Her head leaned in to his hand as he cupped her cheek; never had she really surrendered into his touch like this. Her body always seemed to go rigid as he brushed her across her hips or even near her neck, but this time, this time was different. After she came to her realization, something clicked in her mind that this was alright. Telling her body to relax, telling her body that he was alright. Though she always seemed to notice strange reactions from her partner, from either his touch to her or her touch upon him. Though she always over looked it, unsure of what they meant.

The girl shrugged lightly as she let the rumble of his contentment sooth her thoughts as she let her troubles slip away for a few seconds. They returned when her eyes closed halfway, flooding her mind with questions though she tried to ignore them. Instead she tried to find her voice. ”Lorenzo, can I tell something?” Her voice came, still emotionless as she let out a almost strained sigh. She was still unsure of how to tell him, but she figure she should warn him first with one of her normal questions.

(WORD COUNT — 470+)


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