a stitch in time
WC: 446

Ehno smiled softly at his sister as she spoke. The more he heard the familiar voice, the more confident he became that this truly was his sister before him. His memories flashed back to a time over a year ago, when he and Savina were nearly inseparable. It had broken his heart to see her expression when he made it known that he wanted to go out and see the world. He would make up all that lost time with her now, in this strange land fate seemed to have picked out for them. Warm memories flooded his mind once more when she leapt up and nipped his ear, and he laughed softly at the action just as he did as a pup, his own tail wagging in response.

The male’s ears perked a bit at her words, an explanation for her actions as she darted off. A mansion? And an alpha? It was then that Ehno finally took more notice of the lands around him, picking up a scent that clearly defined the borders of a pack. His amber eyes studied his sister for a moment, his thoughts reeling. It hit him then, just what it was about her scent that differed from his memories: she was a part of this pack. Just how long had Savina been in these lands, living in this pack and becoming friends with the locals? “Non bene, lei te stesso è fatto realmente alla casa, ha lei?” he said, beginning to follow her as she eagerly headed north. He slowed as she came to a halt a yard to two ahead of him and he spotted that familiar glint in her eyes as she spoke. "Venire sullo slowpoke!"

A grin spread on his features at her good natured taunt. Slowpoke, eh? Did he sense a challenge? It wasn’t until he took another step forward that he realized he was still in his shifted from. How strange he must look to Savina, who had seen him in only his natural form back in their birth pack. Part of him was tempted to shift back right now and savor the feel of the soft sand on all four paws, but excitement held him back. He didn’t want to stop for even a moment now that he had been reunited with his sister. Maybe a part of him was afraid that if he paused now, she would keep on going and disappear. But he was confident now that this wasn’t some illusion. With the grin still in place, he darted after his sister to follow her to the mansion she spoke about. “Condurre la maniera, veloce un. Proverò di mantenere,” he joked.

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