[AW] my heart can harbor this paddleboat
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Rarely did she find herself along the shores of the territory. Too close to the water and too near the human encampments were the reasons that kept her cautiously at bay. That and the sense of disconnect she experienced when walking the length of the sands, further from stable ground… further from her solid den encompassed by the welcoming woods.

Yet there was reason for this stroll; a search for the strange and new to become better acquainted with the newly inducted and assess their comfort. Both introduction and parting had been swifter than she’d liked, no doubt on fault of herself for feeling too depressed about her current circumstances. Yet there were no excuse to maintain this distance… they were to be family. And like a family they were to be greeted and cared for, these piebald sisters. And the she-wolf chose to find and greet them as such.

In her maw were a collection of spring blossoms in assorted hues that made even the fresh petals adorning her mane pale in comparison. And strung across her back was a slab of elk meat, no more than a day old already skinned and partially dried. It was not much in her eyes. A feast would have been more suitable. But until the arrangements for Fatin and her mate were set, she could think of only this to warm the homes of the newcomers. Now… where to find them?

X’yrin proceeded onward with nose and flora set to the ground, trailing streams of red in her determined wake. She contemplated raising her voice in summon, but thought better than to disturb the calm air with her song. There was no need to rush this fine day, better it be taken one soft step at a time as the ancestors guided her way.

302 words.


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