Beaten Down
The atheed was making her rounds she did them almost daily mostly on horse back. But she was going around the inner pack lands. She was more or less training Shou to be her messenger. If she needed anything sent to anyone he was going to be the one to do it. She had no interest in Alaki's crow system. It kept those in the pack safe and as a leader thats what she cared about most. But aeron was rather annoyed because something was causing some of the crows wild or trained she didn't know to be upset.

Aeron huffed as shou ruffled his feathers and looked at her. Aeron shrugged as she nodded, Fly. With that the large black crow was off and searching. Aeron huffed and moved along, who was causing trouble. She found herself traveling closer to where Amy lived. Aeron was now more interested then anything.

Slowing her pace she pulled her black hood down. A crow rather upset and attacking the woman. Aeron watched for a moment Shou circling high in the sky. When amy ended up on the ground aeron moved in. Shou move in She commanded. The crow swooping in squaking at the other as he turned to land on his masters arm.What are you doing? she asked looking at Amy. Her body rang leader she was not letting the blonde beat her down again.

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