Get it off My Mind
OOC text

Zalen noted the surprised look on the scarred man’s face. It seemed his two-legged form was odd to some, he wondered why. Perhaps there were still lingering perceptions among the newer members that the bipedal body was not something to be used in the pack lands. That was silly, though Zalen did make it a habit to try and animalize it as much as possible. Besides, walking on all fours in this form was more comfortable in some ways then walking on two, and he had become very adept at it.

After he spoke, he watched as the Pariah brightened at his compliment and stated he would very much like to study under Deuce, Well then, that’s good! I will talk to her on it. He smiled and thumped his tail against the ground. Why exactly had Titania put this male in the Pariah position again? Oh yes, Blind, some something to do with how he had been cuddling Insomnia. But Zalen had recently found that Insomnia seemed to be the pack flirt, something that she luckily had not shown in front of Zalen, for he surely would have put it down harshly just as his mate had done. At the same time though, Insomnia was using her flirtatious attitude to relieve tensions, at least amongst the males, and that was what her rank as Omega called for.

Cerberus spoke then about how the others had been treating him well, and how Augustus had disciplined him when it came to dominance and submission and Zalen nodded, Good that you learned from what he had to say. Respect is very important to keep the pack strong. Zalen stood then, onto his hands and feet and shook his pelt free of grass and leaves, Shall we walk? He asked, and then began walking off; he was sure the male would follow.

It was a beautiful day and Zalen was silent for a while as he walked through the sunlit grasses, but then he spoke very matter-of-factually, There is no reason you should hold the rank you have. Consider yourself now to be on the same footing with your pack-mates as a Subordinate.

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