Not quite so vigilant now

I'll get to replies much faster tonight, I was just tired last night and turned in earlier than you =P

For a moment, his mind buzzed at her touch. People had always given him his space...he was dangerous, or he at least had an extreme capacity for being so, and people generally maintained a respectful distance. This was the first time in a long time that he had been so casually touched by anyone. It felt...wonderful, in a subdued way. Relaxing, even though his blood was up at the contact.

"This is just new to me, is all," he said, releasing the tension in his shoulders. "You're the first person I've been involved with in over four years...I feel like a young wolf all over again, my world-weariness seems to be gone. It isn't easy keeping my skills sharp when you're around Asphyxia...but it's even harder when you're not." He turned to face her, unsure of where this meeting would go next.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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