Rain on Me

OOC here!

Jaden glanced down in embarrassment when Thana kissed his cheek. Her ears flattened against her head, upset with herself for making him uncomfortable, but he soon brought his eyes up to meet hers and gave her a smile. It seemed he really didn’t mind the kiss, which brought a smile to Thana’s face as well. She wasn’t sure why it really mattered to her though, before she wouldn’t bat an eye if she offended someone, so what was it about Jaden that caused her to act differently?

He kept his eyes on the sea in front of them as she moved closer to him. Their eyes met again though when he mentioned being from Alaska. She smiled, remembering the time her and her sister had traveled to Alaska. It was quite beautiful there. From what Jaden said, Thana assumed he had a rather hard life like she did. Maybe not too such an extent but rough nonetheless. She wasn’t going to press him for information. It was his choice whether or not he told her more. Being called beautiful caught her off guard. Beautiful? With a face like this? She motioned to her heavily scarred muzzle and blind eye before continuing. No, there is nothing remotely beautiful about me. But, I am from one of the islands further north. The entire island was controlled by my uncle and his extended family, all being assassins. He called it Île de la mort, Island of death. I was brought up like all the others but I didn’t want any part of it. My father tried to force it onto me. I was only a yearling when my sister and myself killed him and left our home. We had been traveling for about a year after that and then we ended up here. What was she saying? How was she able to automatically open up and tell him all of that so easily? She hadn’t even noticed he had moved closer to her. Thana turned her head to the side as all the horrible memories came flooding back. She didn’t want to think about all of that right then. Instead, she leaned down to burry her muzzle into his neck without thinking. She quickly snapped back up and kept her eyes down. I’m sorry Jaden.She couldn’t meet his eyes again, surely he hated having her rest her head on him like that.

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