Not quite so vigilant now

"If they ever found out, you couldn't go back...but they couldn't do anything to you if I were around. I've fought Gabriel before, and I'm more than a match for him. If he arrives with numbers, I will draw my weapons. They would sooner leave you alone than lose more members to kill you. Gabriel is more rational than his mother, by what I've seen, losing you in addition to the two or three I would kill would weaken their position, and with the fight with Dahlia brewing, I doubt they can spare those numbers." He wasn't sure how certain he could be of his words, but Gabriel played the game of politics. If Skoll could see the problems with sending a party out to harm Asphyxia despite her protector, then Gabriel certainly saw it as well. After all, if his need for vengeance against Skoll was great enough to make such a foolish move, he probably would have tried long ago.

"I know what you mean, though. I spend so much time concerned with guarding the border of my packlands, so much time considering my enemies and the best ways of defending against them, preparing myself each morning for a fight with someone who would seek me or my pack harm. It's been a long time since I had something which took precedence over that." He moved closer to her as he said this. "As long as I have strength left in me, I'll go to any length to make sure you are safe, Asphyxia."

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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