OOC: Eeeep! | WC :: +400

The blonde stranger smiled back at her, but it wasn't a friendly smile. Fayne knew that smile all to well from her previous encounters with power hungry Luperci. As she stood there she felt as though she was staring into Drosnav's eyes. His malicious, bloodthirsty eyes. The optime wolf assumed the most dominant position a wolf could offer. Her body language screamed dominance, demanded it from Fayne. It was evident that this was not another friendly encounter with the Luperci of this land. She had the immediate instinct to submit, but she was much too stubborn to do so having no respect for someone such as the stranger. Her pride was getting the best of her. At the same time, she was frightened. Frozen in place staring back at the she wolf like a deer caught in the headlights. Eyes pleading for mercy while her body pleaded for the stranger's submission.

A question broke the tense atmosphere. Would she stay still? Well, she felt as though she should run but she couldn't move an inch. Her feet cemented to the forest floor overcome by fear. Fayne cocked her head, unsure what the wolf was attempting to do with the strange man made object in her hand. She lifted it and aimed it at the dainty silver wolf. Things seemed to be moving so fast, Fayne's mind raced as she calculated the best option. Should she run, or should she fight? Either way she was in trouble.

A second later the blonde loosed the arrow and it flew at Fayne, faster than anything she'd ever seen. Instinctively she moved to dodge the sharp object, but she wasn't fast enough. Instead of dodging the arrow, she jerked her head in the opposite direction of where she was looking. Simply an act of cowardice, a desperate and failed attempt to dodge. The arrow clipped the side of her ear and continued to graze the back of it. A yelp escaped Fayne, the pain was quick and minor but it certainly startled her. She turned to face her opponent, an anger welling up inside of her. She assumed an offensive possition, a snarl rippling her lips. At this moment, she was clouded by anger and memories from her past. Fighting the female wouldn't bode well for her, but she couldn't think of anything else besides attacking the stranger in attempt to save herself. The way she had done many times before.

No more thinking, she charged at the female. Growling and snarling the whole way. Fayne launched herself, jaws wide open, aiming for the arm the stranger held the bow in. It was her best bet.

"Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward." <3
template by revo. <3 mods by nat


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