battling inner demons


Niernan was glad that the tense moment was over, Saul stepped away after Niers paw fell back to his side, and the black and tan wolf stood and watched him for a second. That was until he heard the word treehouse. His ears pricked up automatically and a huge grin split his face, he bounded towards Saul and aimed a friendly slap on the shoulder blade his way, putting all the tension and worry on the backburner. We're gonna build a treehouse!? That is awesome! Suddenly his face fell as a thought dawned on him; he wasn't a puppy anymore, what if Saul meant the treehouse was only gonna be for Teme and Elias? He raised bright cyan eyes to Sauls face, his expression could only be described as 'that puppy dog look.' Is is just for the boys or can me 'n Bran play in it too?

He skipped backwards while he waited for Sauls answer, he was sure he wouldn't be denied access to the treehouse but he was already formulating plans to persuade Teme and Elias if he was. He couldn't stop the mischievious grin that slipped onto his muzzle and the little chuckle that bubbled up.

Nier fell back into step with Saul, turning back around to walk forwards again. His grin never slipped once as he changed thoughts so rapidly; from access to the treehouse to getting to explore the humans dwellings. Stories of the humans had fascinated him as a pup, Ele and some others in the Solbjorg liked the tales about the foolish humans, the ones that painted them as the bad guys, but Niernan had liked the tales of the heroic ones. He'd used to play out the stories with Bran, Nier always wanted to be the hero but he had shared the role with his younger brother, knowing that it was only fair. So for Nier to finally get to explore the humans huts was incredibly exciting for him, he felt his tail begin to wag and he did nothing to stop it. .

Word Count ~ 340

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