Keep this Secret
Ooc. [Words: 334 :: Points: 3]

Axelle Napier
I don't want to touch the sky

I just want to feel that high

Hearing her friend yelp as the cover of the trap fell away, she looked up to see Terra mildly upset. ”Sorry.” She said, feeling a little bad that she destroyed a perfectly good trap to just look inside. ”Well, what I see from your covers is that you use natural things from the area- branches, leaves, grass, etc.- and make it as natural looking as possible so that the area doesn’t look suspicious…” That was all because she wasn’t exactly sure what she was supposed to be looking at in the trap itself.

After looking in the hole for a few moments, not sure what she was supposed to be seeing, she followed her friend’s movements over to another patch of ground. Seeing her leap over it, she caught on right away that it was another trap. Wow, so close together. She would think that traps were supposed to be spaced out a little more. Then again if one trap doesn’t get ‘em, another one will. Axelle padded over to the other trap carefully, and didn’t touch anything this time. ”Okay, Terra. What am I supposed to be looking at with this one?” She wanted her friend to point out the obvious, and also the not-so-obvious too. She wanted to get as much out as she could from this lesson, that way when she was on her own, she would know exactly what to do.

She saw the cover had exactly the same elements as the last one she destroyed, except this one had branches that looked like they could snare someone or something’s ankle. Axelle took that into consideration as she studied other things this one had that the other one didn’t. The branches looked like those thin, wiry ones that would easily be able to catch onto a leg or arm, even without being worked into a trap. Axelle was soaking in all that she could, and she was starting to form ideas on how she was going to get her revenge.

but you refuse to lift me

[ template by revo. <3 ]

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