I'm just me
Word Count :: 000 sorry for the delay <3

The female loved her pack dearly, perhaps more dearly than any other, but even she had to take a break from the chaos of every day life now and again. She found herself further from the pack within Ethereal Eclipse than she had been in days - fresh air away from her home would at least clear her head from the many thoughts constantly swarming around it, or so she thought. She ambled slowly along the forest in her Optime form, hand casually resting on her belt that held her dagger.

The peace was shattered, however, by a horrible scraping sound - jerking her head towards the sound, ears erect and mind focused, she looked through the thick bushes and trees and saw beyond the greenery a form - an Optime form - who had just slashed at something unseen to Skye. Before she could determine if this was a threat, her nose told her that it was a woman, one from Casa di Cavalieri, and the blue scent of sadness wafted around her.

Skye pushed apart the bushes and thin trees to reveal more of the woman. She was now curled up, her arms hugging her knees close to her body, clearly in a state of distress. "Are you alright?" Skye asked the stranger, slight concern etched on her face.

I am with you, I will carry you through it all, I won't leave you, I will catch you. When you feel like letting go, 'Cause you're not, you're not alone

Image courtesy of harold.lloyd

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