[AW] my heart can harbor this paddleboat
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The wind carried the scent of the elk as well as the spray of the waters as they rolled onto the shores. Yet the aromatic noise paled in comparison to the fragrance of the flowers and graciously she inhaled their sweet scent as she strode along the sifting path.

Her patience led her toward whom she desired to see and with a maw full of flowers, she sounded her elated ‘hello’. Her pace kept its heavy stride weighed with the subtle sluggishness of depressed suffered beneath a façade garbed in a warm smile. Her eyes lacked their brilliance, their radiance dulled to a soft shine peering through the thick shrouding veil of red. But her exterior remained well kempt. Groomed, fashioned and well postured as one befitting the title of lead… of Shepard. Yet how her eyes betrayed the carefully placed garbs to the perceptive eye. How she failed to convince even herself she was truly happy upon this day.

Yet there was a genuine fondness on her lips as she drew nearer to the young female and dipped her crown in cordial greeting. “Hello there my friend,” again the she-wolf dipped her head coupled with her softly spoken words. “You are quite an elusive one… you and your sister. I had wondered if the two of you had wandered off…” Carefully, she lowered her crème belly to the soft sands and rolled the meat from her shoulders. The collected blossoms were placed on the ground as well. “I had not truly welcomed you into your home or assisted in your finding a place to live. I do apologize for my negligence.” She dipped her head a third instance, this time with bowed ears in humility. With a heavy paw she drew the attention to the meat with a gentle nudge and wagged her tail encouragingly as she lifted her veiled gaze to meet the unclouded, vibrant hues of the young female. “A gift,” she exclaimed. “To ensure you and your sister are fed for the next couple of days…”

340 words.


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