All the Time in the World
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Time was an ever changing element of this living world, one that cared little for those that were not within the selective realm of events that transpired. His absence from the pack had left him on the wayside of the happenings within and while a thorough trace along the linear path was called for to clear the air, she could only offer the prominent stones that marked the changes regarding Ichika’s current standing.

“Perhaps it is better that I explain…” she began softly, her weathered lips offering a weary smile as her gaze again fell away from his. “In a way… the world has indeed left me. Many of those you knew within Ichika are gone… Razekiel and Nayru are no longer its leaders… Jace and Temo have gone with their family. Noah has gone to our neighboring pack New Dawn. Ookami has left. Even Saul who had only just returned has gone of his own volition. The pack that was once large and brimming with life has dwindled. And…” With each name the strength of her voice further waned til it was not but a whisper and even her own ears had to strain forward to capture her words. “The pack was raided by the Salsola. And what good that came of it, Nayru’s young boy, is now gone from me. May the ancestors forgive my conceited words… but I feel as though this is my punishment.” Further, the female sank into herself. “Punishment for leaving my family… for forsaking my birthright to become the Shepard of a pack that does not see me as such. For daring to believe I could fulfill my father’s role without his guidance…”

On quiet wings, her guide came down from the warm spring air, his great wings teasing the loose tendrils of her wild mane as he came to settle upon her shoulder. His absence had been noted before this time, but there was little concern for it. However like a comforting hand upon her shoulder, she reveled in the sharp claws seeping through her fur as though it were a kind lap to her wounded heart. Silently, the owl turned his head to the dark male regarding him with the steely gaze of a predator before his wide eyes peered upward at the second, smaller form descending from the sky as well. On an equally quiet wind, the young female came to rest on a distant looming branch of a neighboring tree, hooting her concern for the gathering but made no move to act upon it. Instead she observed.

X’yrin looked at the small female with sadness in her eyes, wondering why the owlet was not on the shoulder of her master and why she could not catch his approaching scent on the gentle wind. She dared not entertain the unthinkable though her mind recalled those she cared for that had left her. Would it have been strange if he had left as well? Was his distance some prelude to what the ancestors had in store? Was the coming of the owl their message that her heart would suffer more? Painfully she turned her eyes from the innocent owl and were fixed on the crumpled shoots stained red beneath her paws.

540 words.


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