through the looking glass.

!@#$%Nikita. Her name had a delightful foreign ring to it, and he made sure to register it in the catalogue in the back of his mind. He wondered briefly if the clothing was connected--then again, Poe had worn clothes, and she didn't seem to be from far away. Then again, would he have known the difference? He should have known better than to question his own judgement, ever, even barring the extreme circumstances of their meeting--but perhaps it spoke better for him that he did. Trusting a foggy mind seemed naturally questionable.

!@#$%Shoving those thoughts aside, he concentrated on the female as she elaborated further. She was one of the leaders here, along with someone else--perhaps that male coyote he'd scented along the borders? "The other coyote I scented here, then?" he wondered aloud.
!@#$%To her next statement he nodded. For some reason or another, he felt compelled to be honest with her--besides, if this new pack paid attention to anything, they'd already know about Inferni and their misdeeds. "Well, I'm not Inferni's absolute authority, but I see no reason why there would be any tension between our clans." He frowned slightly, still trying to wrap his mind around something. "You must be an extremely peaceful bunch, for wolves to accept the rule of coyotes," he stated. Quickly, he added: "No offence intended, of course, but... those kinds of relationships aren't the usual around here. I've got less than a quarter coyote in me, but I still get the worst of it." Not that it wasn't his own fault, in some ways--and he knew it.

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