Puppy Protection
Zalen stood tall and proud beside Tharin, giving more strength to the wolf. It eased out of him, tail wagging softly at the prospect of seeing Kiara. It didn't matter how dominant he was standing, holding himself with rank. He had his alpha there, and he was here to see the one that he thought of as pack, the one that should belong to his pack but didn't. Tharin wouldn't push her to come to his pack, knowing that travel with young pups was impossible. The offer of the protection was definitely something he could give, especially since Zalen had supported his decision in caring for Kiara.

Kiara's scent reached him quickly, Tharin tempted to cross over the border and see her. The wolf froze before reaching him though, the happy posture quickly vanishing, low with worry. Glancing over to Zalen Tharin smiled. It's alright. Ichika's done nothing wrong. We're here with good news. Tharin sat down patiently, waiting for Kiara to relax, for an invitation to cross the border so he could check her out. There was something wrong with her, he could see that. Her movements were a little stiff, worrying him. Had she been hurt? It only increased his opinion that this pack couldn't protect her, too weak and spread out.

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