wicked games
The things she'd learned from the far away shores in the emerald lands was more than the wolves of her birth lands could understand or want to. She'd been forced to look from the outside inward, to see the good and bad in anyone and everyone. Unlike most who turned their eyes away from the truth the young Sadira had gazed into the twisted roots of one's soul and had been obsessed with the changes in a simple second from innocent to demonic. She'd had a rare gift to be able to see the same in others, or perhaps it was only because she wanted to see the innocent nature standing right beside the beast within all of them. She herself embraced what she was and had made it more. The clan loved her for what she was alongside them but they knew that she was dangerous, dark and mysterious in her ways. Now she'd grown into something more than what the old world offered.

Here in these lands she was something new and shiny, a whirlwind of beauty and darkness so wound tight that nothing could actually be seperated anymore than she wanted the world to see. Her mother barely trusted her, she knew that, but then again anyone could understand why if they'd witnessed the scene today. Her tongue ran across her fangs, the taste of blood making her eyes shimmer as she watched the beast before her, knowing full aware that their game had come to and end and she was strangely satisfied that this was where it all had come to a point.

The effects of the beta's changes were amusing in her eyes as she studied him with vibrant green orbs as she watched the struggle taking place. When he broke the link between them and turned away she tensed, not knowing what to expect next. There was no next step now, not unless the games she loved to play picked up sone where else down the line, all there was now was the two of them standing there over the shuddering end of a lifethread. Even within moments that link ended as Haku brought peace finally to the pitiful creature that had once stumbled too close to the lands they resided in. She breathed slowly as she waited, knowing that she'd broken something between the two but not registering just what yet.

Lifting her head up as he tried to meet her gaze she replied softly, his own words returned. "Well..." There was nothing else to say, he had asked what was next, she'd taken up the trail he'd left off on and now they seemed to stand on equal yet shaky grounds somehow.

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