Gift of Wings

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Taru came out at Dalgina's cry. Her tail wagged rapidly, glad to see her. A heavy bag was on her side, and Dalgina pushed forward with the flowers, hoping that Taru would like them. The blind wolf knelt down, Dalgina nudging herself into the hand that petted her head. Taru didn't notice the bright items that Dalgina had brought to share though, her tail sinking down. It was forgotten at the words though, the flowers rapidly dropped as her tail wagged rapidly.

Yes! She bounced around, Fawkes flying overhead. Dalgina followed, forgetting again that Taru was blind as the wolf moved, wandering around through the woods. The movement was good until they reached a point. Dalgina had been doing what puppies did best, investigating everything nearby, and was surprised when Taru moved slower. The stick was waved around, keeping the curious pup from poking her nose too close. Are we close? Was that why?

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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