OOC | WC :: +000

Did this Luperci honestly believe what she was saying? Fayne just couldn't grasp the concept that she was describing. She was a wolf, what need for civilization was there? The skills to use your teeth and claws are all one needed to survive. This virus is nothing but a burden to be ignored, at least in her eyes. The thought was evident on the silver wolf's face, mixed in with the fear she tried so hard to hide. The monster took out a strange shiny object, pointed at the tip, it looked sharp. Fayne guessed that was called a knife. The knife was brought down to her level. Fayne held her breath until she realized the wolf wasn't going to use it just yet. She looked up into the Luperci's eyes with an austere expression. "How can you say that? You're a wolf, meant to use teeth and claws alone. Work to hunt prey, instead of using those man-made objects." She tossed her muzzle in the direction of the knife.

"You must be insane if you think you're not the monster. Yes, I am a beast. But, being a beast is completely different from being a monster. Which is what you are. Look at you. Holding that knife in your hand like a god damn human. It's pathetic." She spat. Fayne had forgotten all about reasoning with the creature. It was driving her insane that Luperci acted such a way. The shift corrupts many a wolf, it gives them a sense of power with all the things you become capable of. Doesn't mean you have to give in to it. The fear that had presently been with Fayne, was being consumed by anger and hate for the monster. Hate for Luperci and those malicious eyes. "Go a head and cut me with that human weapon. Prove to me that you're a monster." Those words would probably be regretted in the future. But at this moment, she really didn't care. It was a dare to the monster which in the back of her mind, she hoped wouldn't be fulfilled.

"Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward." <3
template by revo. <3 mods by nat


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