I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay
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Talk! Think! Walk!

Word Count:325

Removing the limb was an easy enough task, one Hotaru did with skill and a practiced hand. Even so, the project still took a considerable amount of time due to her inability to see. The blind wolf took extraordinary care with her swings. She didn't want to accidentally hurt herself or damage the wood. Finally, the limb fell and a satisfying crash thundered through the forest. Hotaru smiled as she stooped down to inspect her prize. Luckily, the wood hadn't been damaged in the fall. Carefully, she wrapped her hands around the long piece of wood and lifted it off the ground. Hotaru continued to inspect the branch until an unfamiliar howl broke through the forest.

Red ears swiveled on the blind female's head as she listened to the unfamiliar call. The stranger was not far off from her location, so she managed decided to see who it was. With her higher rank, Hotaru felt that it was important for her to take up more responsibility in the pack. Greeting curious guests at the boarders was something she felt she could handle. Without a word, she leaned her prize against the tree which it had come from and traveled the relatively short distance to where the caller's voice had originated.

Hotaru approached the stranger with a confident air and her tail raise slightly. Her staff waved in slow arcs before her as she walked, although Hotaru didn't rely on its guidance. Fawkes had stayed behind with the wood and her satchel full of tools. He was buys preening himself anyways and couldn't be bothered with a stranger on pack lands. Hotaru had grown into a confident, fiery female who had quickly learned to take care of herself. Besides, he wasn't that far off if danger were to erupt.

"Welcome to Cercatori d'Arte. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Hotaru, the Tessitore di Sogno. Might I inquire as to your reasons for visiting our boarders?"

Table by Chazza


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