[M]Nightmare's Call


Panic and fear filled the young mother's mind as she tried to flee. Kiara turned to the safety of her pack, but was it really all that safe? Their numbers had dwindled to just a few, and the lands were so big that the chances of rescue for the she-wolf were slim. Kiara closed her eyes as she moved in what seemed like slow motion. Her fore legs slowly stretched out as they tried to reach for the ground and propel her forward. The muscles in her back legs tensed as they pushed against the earth to launch the arctic wolf's small frame forward. She needed to get away from Amy and get back to her pups.

A dexterous hand reached out and grabbed the scruff of Kiara's neck, making time speed up till it was too fast. The arctic wolf yelped as her body was yanked back and held down. Kiara struggled, her limbs failed as panic overwhelmed her mind. Amy's slimy words were drowned in a sea of fear. In an attempt to free herself, Kiara brought her maw up to bite at any exposed piece of flesh. Her razor sharp fangs swung through the air, while her legs worked frantically to free her body from the luperci's fingers. The gleaming dagger reflected in her wide eyes and as it had done so many times in her nightmares it came down and was driven into her shoulder.

As metal pierced flesh, Kiara's mind seemed to vanish. Once again her body froze and her consciousness drifted out of her body. The snow wolf's ears flicked back and her lips were pulled back into a growl, but she remained utterly still. Kiara couldn't move, her growls erupted as pain spread through her shoulder. Occasionally, the pain was enough to make Kiara move, to have her try in vain to escape or to attempt to bite at Amy. But soon fear and panic would drive her consciousness out again and would freeze her body in place.

Table By Bria

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