it kicks and it kicks like a pony
ooc: wc = 509

The morning air had been peaceful to the Spaniard's senses, allowing her mind to wander as her gaze traveled over her new home. It was absolutely nothing like what she had experienced in Spain - while her packs had been sophisticated, their homes had been run down suburbs instead of this extravagance at her birthplace and later on, she'd traveled during the day, sleeping under the stars and outdoors every night. Eventually she'd make a point to explore every inch of the new lands she'd claimed as her own, but for now her curiosity was sated by a need to take things slower, savor the moment and see if she could be of any immediate use to her pack.

A lazy member was a useless member, she'd learned. A harsh lesson perhaps, but she'd found a use for herself quickly, and liked to be busy. Well, at least the majority of the time. Now, she was happy to recuperate from her travels (she'd only made it to Canada yesterday, and arrived in Maine the day before that from Spain) and get used to living in a pack life that, she hoped, wouldn't be too much of a jarring experience, but at the same time there were certainly new faces, names, and customs to adapt to.

Starting in surprise as a voice behind her held an inquiring tone, her head flipped towards the sound, her body tensing and dual-colored eyes widened in surprise. Her instinct drove her index and middle finger of her left hand to just barely brush the hilt of one of the knives at her side, but mere seconds ticked by before Camila relaxed and her hand dropped, deeming the newcomer no immediate threat. Taking a silent breath through her nostrils, there was something familiar to his scent, as had been on the leader who'd first greeted her - perhaps it was the pack's scent? Mindlessly she wondered how long it would be before she herself wore the same colouring to her body, but the startings of new words shook her back into awareness.

Offering him a perplexed look at his own evident relief, Camila shook her head lightly in response to her mistaken identity. Whoever Selene was, it certainly wasn't her, and her auburn hair dancing in the light indicated her dissent. Her pointed features hinting at a jackal ancestry slowly creased into a soft smile at his introduction, the woman turning to fully face the newcomer while seated on the edge of the fountain. "A pleasure, Hadley. I'm Camila Santiago." Her voice was measured, but even her slow, cautious tone allowed for her accent to shine through easily. "I just arrived here last night. This land... it's so gorgeous." Her awe was evident in both her speech and appearance, as the woman took a moment to cast her gaze around her surroundings once more. Her golden jewelry glinted in harmony with the sun, a happy marriage of colours as she moved.

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