[AW] my heart can harbor this paddleboat

The wolves here were extremely friendly. Yes, X'yrin was the only pack member that Viola had met, but she had already decided that all her new packmates must be amazing. If the rest of the pack was half as cordial as their leader, then Viola and Chara surely had found a true treasure. While her family had always been polite with their neighbors back home - ah, what used to be home, that is - they had never been offered meat, nor had proffered it to others themselves.

This was something special. Now, Viola's tail was wagging in a most inappropriate and cheerful fashion. She knew she probably shouldn't act like some hyper puppy in front of her new leader, but she really couldn't help it. The mutt was just so pleased with how lucky she and Chara had been to find the perfect pack.

"Oh, you shouldn't have!" Exclaimed the mutt, her voice clearing indicating that she was delighted, "But thank you! You are too kind!" Her eyes jumped from X'ryin and over to her sister, whom had rejoined her. She knew her sister was still a little antsy about the new pack, just with how her sister behaved, but surely now Chara knew they had made the right choice!

It wasn't really the free meat that tickled Viola so dearly. It was, quite simply, the thought behind the gift.

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