[M] Watch what happens when I lose control
Her body shifted turning slightly her tail wrapping over her legs as she laid on her side. His words upset her and her ears perked eyes softening in a hurt expression, "Noah! Why would you say such a thing!?" She moved her paw bringing her bird close. "You weren't even looking at him!" She crawled over a little seeing him with his leg over his nose. It was then she realized she had totally wafted herself in his face. That was probably why he reacted as he did. "...oh! I-I am so sorry!" Her eyes no longer feeling hurt thinking he only did said what he had out of frustration of her and her naive behavior. Her ears went back and her head lowered beneath his. Still laying down she 'army' crawled closer to him and licked his muzzle in a friendly gesture of apology. "I'm still not familiar with how strong my scent is...I should have thought about my actions before I exposed myself..please don't take it out on my bird..he's still young and has to grow into his plumage."

Her eyes looking up in a sweet innocent manner as a small smile formed on her muzzle, "You know..I probably should keep this to myself...but you're really cute when you snap like that.." Her tail fought its wagging as she smiled more. This time she fought licking his muzzle again. She didn't want to be too affectionate, she didn't want it to be translated into anything, besides it would probably be inappropriate of her to be so affectionate toward another male while she was in such a state.

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