Gift of Wings

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

Only halfway? That was far too long for the pup. She thought they had traveled further. Dalgina was older, but she was still a child in lots of ways, quickly getting worn down by long excursions. Her tail did pick up again when told she could keep exploring. Her head was nodded rapidly, forgetting that Taru couldn't see that. I'll stay close. She didn't want to be by herself in the middle of nowhere. Not without being able to find a way home, and she'd been too busy day dreaming to really know how to find the way back to the pack by herself.

She continued to weave in and out of the different places, pausing when she saw a particularly bright colored bird, sniffing at a badger den. She managed to avoid trouble, having learned her lesson about poking at strange creatures when she was younger. Keeping close to Taru's side Dalgina's eyes grew large as the city came into sight. She'd never been to human ruins before unless one counted the small towns that were in the packs. They were all very simple though, nothing like this.

Gluing herself to Taru's side Dalgina stuck close, head swiveling as she tried to take in all the new scents. The sky was hard to see here, the buildings blocking it out much as if they were in the woods. It was more open than the woods though, giving it a rather eerie unbalanced feeling. They had arrived? Why would they find birds here? Okay. Her voice was small, feeling intimidated by the new surroundings. The crowds got larger, full of others. It was smaller than the festival had been, but it felt much more dangerous in the new surroundings.

They finally stopped before an old coyote, Dalgina's tail wagging as she stared at the choices. Eggs and chicks. She had seen chicks before, but eggs were for eating in her mind. She looked over to a rather small bird. It was rather fierce in appearance, eyes glittering as it stood tall. Her tail picked up speed as she stepped over, smelling at the male. This one!

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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