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Hope you don't mind if Laurel catches him instead. >_>;
Maybe he shouldn't have opened his mouth, maybe then he wouldn't have jinxed the whole thing into happening. Laurel was just beginning to pull the strap of the banjo over his head when he caught the distinctive wobble in the boy's step. By the time the kid had totally lost his balance and started to fall from the rafters of the warehouse ceiling, he had already dropped the banjo to the floor with a noisy clatter. There was ever a sense of urgency in his quick steps, the hitch in his breath as his arms outstretched to catch him. Of course, Laurel hadn't really been expecting the real weight of a half-grown coyote either; he almost lost his own balance in the process. But at the last moment, he managed not to topple over, switching the hold he had on the boy to hold him careful by the scruff on his neck regardless of how uncomfortable it would have been to set him on the dusty floor. With his pulse thundering in his ears starting to quiet down, he also found his voice. “You okay, kid?”

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