Bloody Payment
Ha. So what? Sebastian raised an eyebrow. Dhiate had been turned into a luperci. Sebastian failed to see the problem. He could still live as a simple feral wolf if he wished. The Italian put a hand on his hip and looked Amy over, raising his lip to display a single canine at the thinly veiled threat towards Hadley.

"Irrevelant," he stated calmly. "Wayne speaks the truth. If he doesn't want to be a luperci, he free to live in his feral form all he likes. Unless you are preventing him." Sebastian looked between the pair, his face now expressionless. "If you do call Hadley, I will take it as the intent to harm him. If you try to hurt him, I will murder you." He delivered the warning calmly, looking up at the taller woman with his orange eyes flat.

"Unless Dhiate told Hadley that he was not a luperci, Hadley is hardly at fault. I think you should leave now." His eyes flitted briefly to Wayne. "Unless you want to say something else?" he asked his superior, eyeing him questioningly. The accusations were baseless and foolish in the extreme. Sebastian slipped one hand into his pocket, resting easily on the handle of his dagger.

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