Rain on Me

OOC here!

The pair seemed to have so much in common, both forced to be killers, both punished if they didn’t take a life. The only difference was that he gave up his blade, she hadn’t. There was something about Jaden that made her act like her old self, back before she retreated into her assassin life once more. Back when it was just her and Ismeme. Why did she feel so close to him already? He was basically still a stranger to Thana yet she could open up and talk to him so easily. Perhaps she really could trust him. Perhaps he wouldn’t just leave one day, never to be heard from again, like Shadow did. What was she thinking? Was she really considering the possibility of her and Jaden being together? It was a stupid thought. Even if he was being kind at the moment, there was no way he would actually want to be with her. Thana knew she was nothing special and that she would probably never find a mate. Anyone who even did manage to get close either left before anything started or were more like family. Jaden would leave before anything happened, just like Shadowfang did.

She glanced up at him when he mentioned it being a tragedy if he hadn’t met her. Sure it was probably just said so he could get something from her but she didn’t care anymore. She had been used enough to just accept it. So if Jaden was being sincere, perhaps she would find out later on.

He closed the space between them and nuzzled her again, bringing a very faint smile from her. Thana nuzzled him back and softly kissed his cheek. I’m glad I met you too.

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