OOC: Big Grin Finish with my post and then I'll post in New Dawn so Tharin can find her? | WC :: +000

The blond laughed at her words, finding them comedic. Though in Fayne's eyes, those were words she would uphold. Of course Fayne would have to train. She'd never had to fight a Luperci in Optime. It was a completely different ball game. Limbs that could oustretch her own wolfish limbs, reaching out to grab you at any moment with a grip so strong you couldn't escape. The strange part about this whole encounter is that she'd completely forgotten she had an Optime or Secui form. Secui might have been helpful and given the bitch a better fight, but it had slipped her mind. Optime would have been virtually useless. What would she have done with long arms and opposable thumbs? Swing them wildly and hope she landed a hit? Either way, it would have taken much too long for her to shift, she hadn't allowed herself time to get used to shifting. All these thoughts had been pushed to the back of her mind by hate and detest, as well as fear, for the Optime female and those like her.

A moment later, the wolf released her and stood up. She towered over the dainty creature. Fayne wanted to get up an attack, another growl rumbling her throat. But, it wouldn't get her anywhere. The Optime's capabilities were far more advanced than her own, leading her to simply lay there and wait for her torturer to leave. An answer to her question was all the wolf left her with. Amy Sunders... That was the name that Fayne now loathed, and she was definitely not her friend. Fayne didn't have many enemies, but Amy now fell under that list. Another laugh echoed through the forest as the cream wolf strode away. Fayne's eyes followed her until she was nearly out of sight. When the silver wolf was convinced the monster wouldn't return she stood, slowly. Her fresh wounds stung with each movement, but she kept her whimpers to a minimum. Frightened the girl would come back and finish the job. Without further hesitation, the grey wolf stumbled off in New Dawn's direction. Hoping nothing would bother her on her journey, the scent of fresh blood staining her previously flawless coat.

"Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward." <3
template by revo. <3 mods by nat


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