pin the tail on the donkey

Word Count → 300 :: Sorry. Finals. :x

Her ears flicked back at the new voice, and the girl paused in her work. Slowly, she turned to face the stranger. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the glint of metal in the woman's nose. The dark hybrid gave a deceptively sweet smile. "Of course." Her tail wagged behind her, like a pup that had been given a new toy - and Ataxia certainty thought she had. Canines were so interesting to taunt, and a slave made an easy victim; there were no repercussions for doing so, and no one cared what a slave thought, anyhow.

Ataxia noticed the stick held in one hand, and the milky eyes. Probably blind. She wondered what was the use of a blind slave, other than the poking and prodding she was planning to do. Perhaps she wasn't blind at all, and it was only a ruse to make her look incompetent so she could get out of working. Well, it wouldn't work with her.

"I'll dig the holes, and you can put the Thistle in the ground." She gestured to a group of five or so uprooted thistle plants, and watched to see if the slave's eyes would follow to where she pointed. Digging wasn't her favorite task, but Ataxia thought it might be funny to see the slave try to put the thorny plants in the ground. If she wasn't careful, she might easily get stung - and then there was also the chance that she could take the slave's cane while she wasn't looking. That could provide her with some amusement. Either she was really blind, in which case she'd get to see her stumble about, or she'd was pretending to - in which case, she might catch the slave off-guard and have the joy of pointing out her charade.
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