A Walk On The Beach
No reason for doing what he did, Alexander had one ambition Toby picked up on briefly: Finding his father. The german shepherd puzzled over whether or not that was a private issue but part of him believed if it were a touchy subject Alex wouldn't have volunteered it at all. Whatever the matter he carried on and spoke of yet something else he desired which was to travel. It was what he was currently filling his life with now and Toby wondered how it felt to do the things you wanted when you wanted them. Unlike him, Alex seemed to have no real problems in life which might of been a bit foolish and selfish to believe but he did believe them.

Then came the questions for Toby. "A strong good looking guy like yourself..." There was a light moment when the german shepherd alloud himself to chuckle at that. Though, soon the chuckle was dampened and he tried not to show his mood drop a bit as he mentioned family, love, and friends. Friends? He had a few but he rarely saw anyone he met more than once. Love? Save it for the sob stories because, well, it was impossible for monsters to be loved. And family? Well...

"I'm just here. Like you I guess but I have more of an... aquaintance that relocates me through the area and lets me roam around until he's ready to move me again." Yes. Go with that. Toby gave a small, framed smile to the male and looked back out to the sea trying not to ruin the happy mood. He seemed to do that for everyone he met and he was tired of it.

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