when you turn around, there's sunshine

http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r173 ... header.jpg); background-attach:top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color:#162022;">

sharksOf course, he confirmed with a nod, It's the best kind, naturally. He touched the cloth hiding his own visage and gave a small laugh, Without a face, everyone's an equal. He could be revolutionary with his words if he really believed in them. You look like you have a face, though, and a name to go with it, probably -- would you really want to go? Masks didn't quite fit over big heads, after all, there was simply too much to cover. Most of his family probably wouldn't fit behind a mask. As such, they couldn't very well dance at a party. They'd be spending the entire time trying to readjust themselves.


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