shadows and dust

It had been a while since she had seen such politeness; sure, everyone here treated her with respect...but they were all so comfortable around each other that she rarely saw such wolfish acts. It was very refreshing, though, to be reminded of what they all were--wolves. Sometimes they lived in human houses, cooked their food like humans, wore human clothing...but they were all just wolves.

The girl was apologizing, but Naniko saw no need for it after she got past the part about Cercelee. "Any friend of Cercelee's is welcomed here" Naniko often attracted injured wolves, whether she liked it or not, and she didn't really mind taking care of them. They came from all over the she got a variety. "I'm here...and you're here, so if you want...I could take a look at it? I know a little about medicine, and I have my backpack nearby. I could give you something for the swelling and the pain. Any blood?" She couldn't always tell, with darker colored wolves. Sometimes it was there and she couldn't see it.


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