i can be brown; i can be blue; i can be violet sky

Well, there has to be something good about always traveling, right? No permanent connections, no heavy obligations, no reason to turn back because there was always going forward. Or something. Laruku could only recite what he'd been told or what he'd read. In that case, it really didn't matter what Laurel told him of why he was the nomad that he apparently was, because Laruku would never really, really understand it, even if he thought he did. Then again, if asked why he himself simply didn't try it out, he wouldn't be able to give a proper answer. Wanderlust had just never gotten a hold of him like it had everyone else.

Most people living in this area now came from the other side of the mountain, I think, he told the other, Strangely enough, this place seemed pretty deserted before we got here. It was hard enough to not run into family, much less anyone that hadn't come from the fire-consumed lands. The banjo player seemed to be a strange exception. Maybe I ought to travel more.


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