Stories in the Moonlight
Adonia scent had been fading slowly, her heat was coming to an end. Still she wanted to make sure to cover it up as best she could. Hearing about the storyteller she really wanted to be there, and really wanted to see other members. She bathed herself in the small river and rolled around in wild flowers and other various strong smelling, but pleasant scented vegetation. Satisfied that she was well masked she made her way to the gathering near the den, hoping she wouldn't upset anyone.

As she arrived her tail dropped, afraid her more relaxed stature would be seen as rude. Her ears rolled back and her head lowered, tail dropped as she came to the few that had gathered. A gray dog catching her eye. He must be the storyteller. She didn't seen any others she had met, except Tharin. Her heart skipped a little. Their meeting before was intense and she was very sure it was all because of her cycle. She looked around Ookami. Her heart sank and she moved around to be on the outer side of the pack gathering, and down wind of everyone, this was in hopes that her masked scent wouldn't drift too much toward them, and blow away. A precautionary measure that was probably unnecessary for her already dwindling cycle.

She focused on the storyteller, not sure how awkward it would be around Tharin. She wanted to come up and say 'hi' but wasn't sure she wanted to get that close to everyone else. If he wanted to come to her, he could, and if he wanted to talk to her afterward, he was more than welcomed to..but for now, the storyteller was all that she tried to think about.

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