Little dirty girl

Listen up, listen up,There's a devil in the church.
Got a bullet in the chamber, And this is gonna hurt .

Word Count → 440 :: Bahhh

It had avoided his attention, much like the rest of the finer details of the woman; for she was just some feeble stray whom had awoken him, why would she draw his attention in any manner. Although now that she had pointed it out, his focus zoned in upon the glimmer of gold, adorning the females nose. “Well that's got to be either the most ridiculous fashion statement I have seen or you are as pathetic as you look to have someone force that upon you” he responded with no sympathy and with little care about his words of the girls feelings. “And also, work on your comebacks, Anata awarena inu. What are you, some pup just learning to speak and already trying to insult others. So pitiful” his words weren't meant to reflect the girls age, for clearly she was near his own, but more her mental capacity and capability to think up remotely decent insults.

Anger was a common reaction the Angelo got, for the storm male rarely tempered his words or considered others feelings; within his pack he would make his behaviour reasonable, but such courtesies only extended to his borders, not neutral grounds. At the girls taunt, he pushed himself off the branch he was hanging from, making sure he fell away from the clutches of the trees other branches and landing correctly, balancing out his weight and steadying himself before bringing himself up to his full height, tail swaying happily behind him in anticipation. “Why would I hide behind another language, when I have nothing to fear from you? Both languages are mine to speak, why should I limit myself because of your inability to understand one?” lifting his feet he began to pace around her, keeping his distance out of habbit as he estimated the woman's range. Cocky he may be, but he was no fool to allow a stranger whom he was intentionally antagonising to get close enough to strike him with anything.

Reaching to his side his hand wrapped around his Katana, ready to draw if need be although he highly doubted the need. “Who said my friends are capable of laugher? Did I define what they were, canine, crow or beast. That and I do not joke, little baka, I threaten and follow through if the need arises. But please enlighten me as to how exactly I look, for what features would one need to look like a 'total ass'” he fished for confirmation regarding the girls sight, being half blind himself it was easy enough to pick up on the subtle hints of someone making up for lack of sight.

You can scream and you can shout
Keep your secrets in the shadows and you'll be sorry

Table by the Mentors!

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