[M] Does he notice?

OOC here!

Thana rode atop Abbadon, beginning to think she wouldn’t find Jaden again. She was about to turn around when the smell of a fire burning nearby. There was also a faint scent of the man she was hoping to find. Jaden. The name alone brought a smile to her face, recalling the memories of the time they spent together. She slid off of the massive stallions back, knowing Jaden wasn’t too fond of the beast. Abbadon wouldn’t wander off too far anyway, and if she happened to need him he would come with a simple howl.

The dark woman headed toward the scent and knew he could probably pick up the scent lingering on her pelt as she grew closer. Jaden came into view and she smiled at him, happy to see the man again. Hello Jaden. How have you been? Once again, she had left her weapons with Abbadon, not seeing Jaden as a threat of any kind. He was sitting on a rock with his feet in a stream. His things were set near the fire she smelled earlier and a bag and the coat he had allowed her to use before were hanging from a tree. Thana stepped closer but made sure to keep her distance in case Jadne didn’t want to be around her while she was in heat. She didn’t see that happening though. It seemed, to her at least, that he might actually be interested in her, and Thana was clearly interested in him.

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