[M] Does he notice?

OOC here!

Jaden stood to greet her as she approached. He was every bit as handsome as she remembered, if not more so. She smiled at his simple greeting. It’s nice to see you too. That moment with Jaden was the first time she had been around a man, that wasn’t a family member, while she was in heat. She wasn’t used to the feeling really and because of that, she also wasn’t as in control as Jaden seemed to be. The hormones caused by the cycle were messing with her mind, making her believe she wanted him. In a way she did, but if she had it her way it wouldn’t happen until they were together. Yes, that more than likely wouldn’t happen, especially since her body was practically begging for him.

Thana had feelings for him, a little at least. She had been acting differently ever since she met him, wanting to change and give up her assassin life just as he had. She wanted to leave her past behind her and just forget all of it. It wasn’t because she was in heat either, she felt that way before her cycle started. She wanted to change and be the woman he seemed to think she was, not the dark, murderous creature she really was. The fact that she was willing to give everything up and put it behind her, for a man, made it clear to Thana that there could possibly be something there one day. Hopefully.

Jaden took a few steps closer to Thana and asked how she was. She stepped forward, leaving almost no space between them as her hands slid up his arms as she wrapped her own around his neck. Well, I’m better now. Thana gave him a big smile, feeling that desire burning inside her. She so badly wanted him right then but she knew she shouldn’t. Jaden wouldn’t want her anyways.

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