Two names carved into the forest trees

Glad this plot is working out =)

Skoll frowned at her words. Her life before him did not sound happy. She had bore many children, and while that was considered a blessing, it seemed that it was one of very few that she had been gifted with. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed her slightly, hoping that she would feel supported by the gesture. Life was hard, and older canines had seen more of it than most others.

"You'll never have to run away again," he said, his voice quiet enough that she knew the message was just for her, and yet confident enough that she knew he had absolute confidence in the words. He had fought many, and had once slain nine wolves on the Storm border rather than giving ground. If he could do that, he could protect this beleaguered woman from the that which sought to harm her.

"Bloodshed. A lot of it. I was exiled from my pack when I was young...our land was poor and they couldn't feed me. As the most robust of my litter, I was cast out. I killed my first wolf at one year of age, and by the time I arrived at Bleeding Souls, I had killed many, many more." He said the words without pride, but without remorse, either. His tone was cold, almost numb to the import of what his words meant. "Some of them needed to be killed...I did some good, I think. Others, though...well, had I been wiser, it wouldn't have been my hand that was stained with their blood."

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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