out of control
She was a dark brooding thing when it came down to the truth of the matter. At times she could be light hearted and gentle, even sweet and sassy, but somehow in her life she had always come to the conclusion that she was not good enough, or that she had to have approval or even just a need to be wanted and needed.. when things got bad the tiny creature turned in on herself and shunned the world. The darkness had started to creep across her heart with the thoughts haunting her that Helotes might not want her for what they really were now, it was silly, she knew, but she could barely trust herself, yet alone another.

Her life was a strange complex web that she had just begun to unravel, in ways the others of the clan knew her better than she knew herself. Helotes was more aware of who she really was than herself for the small woman's obsession with belonging and her need for security created a vast world of disabilities within herself and her innercore. She should have been glad when Helotes spoke up against her thoughts but she was more stunned than anything. Her grey lavender orbs shone with tears as she lifted her head, leaning her face and muzzle into the warmth of his palm as she stuttered. "Nothing?"

Her eyes gazed up into his face with love, though a small voice reminded her in a cruel manner that she had been the one to set the distance between them. Forcing the male she loved to beg for her hand from their leader, knowing that Ezekiel felt off towards their relationship. She didn't know if her quest had done more good or bad but hearing that she hadn't lost Helotes for a matter of blood warmed her soul.

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