Joining Anathema
Character Name: Miwa Itou
Character Birthdate: (Including year) July 24, 2011
Gender: Female
Species: 50% Canis lupus lycaon - 50% Canis aureus riparius
Is your character a Luperci?: Yes!
Other 'Souls Characters: N/A
How you found 'Souls?: Played here a long time ago as Ghita Marino for a period..then also Esme Acidic. Smile)
Are you joining a pack?: AT
If joining a pack, are you joining IC or OOC?: IC, but shes an NPC
Profile or three writing examples: (These are my three soon-to-be thread starting posts. Written right now by me Smile)

Post 1: Miwa held the raven upside down by its feet, the bird's loud, indignant shrieks filling the glen and quieting the other animals that resided there. Long, clawed fingers of one hand clenched around its legs while her other hand moved to wrap around the raven's head so she could muffle its cries. There was no going back at this point; the creature had not provided her with the information that she sought (Why she had not asked a trusted crow for intel was beyond her) and now it was going to pay the price for its actions. One did not guarantee Miwa Itou information and then renege. She did not know if the bird would live through what she planned, but if it did survive this night would be something that would stick in its head for the rest of its short life. It would not cross her again.

The hybrid growled as its beak clamped onto one of her fingers, yanking it free and giving the bird a deft slap across the face. She reached for one of its wings as it reached in to try and bite her again, grasping the wing bone in her hand and snapping it quickly. You will learn, my pet. Next time you won’t disobey me…you’ll find the answers I want. Her voice rasped. It would learn. If it was not killed by infection or shock, that is. She whipped her hand to the side, bashing the bird against a tree before dropping it to the ground. Stunned, the raven made no movement as she reached to remove her token-marker from around its neck. She always found her agents. Always. She spat on the animal, then slipped the token into her pocket as she made for the caves.

Post 2: Rain spattered the ground before her like tiny bullets, leaving small, dark marks on the soil that she trod upon. Miwa had not been outside for very long and the fact that it had started to rain really put a dampener on her already sour mood. It had been a few days since she had left the pack lands and thought that she would go out to visit the border and surrounding territories for a change. The rain ruined that, though. She looked vengefully upward at the heavens, shaking a fist. As she did this, a streak of lightning flashed across the sky. Her amethyst eyes grew wide in fear, ears going back with a small yelp. She made for the tree line. She hated storms more than anything, especially lightning. Miwa closed her eyes as she ran, feeling the raindrop stop hitting her as she came beneath the protective branches of a tree.

She could hear the thunder rolling through the skies overhead and gave a small whimper, sitting with her back to the trunk of the tree and pulling her knees up to her chest. She wrapped her arms around them, letting her long hair fall in cascades around her to form a barrier between herself and the outside world. Thunder rolled once more and lightning flashed, illuminating the insides of her eyelids. She clenched her jaw, burying her face and trying to ignore the sounds and the flashes of lights as she began to cry softly.

Post 3: The dappled female grumbled beneath her breath as she observed a few young rabbits playing together in the grass. She had no real friends and had no need for them, and the sight of others playing happily together made her growl. She was not jealous of them, of stupid little rabbits. Miwa jumped up from her seat beneath the oak tree, rushing the small beasts to disturb their play. They ran in every direction, frightened by the darkly dressed luperci that had seemed to appear out of nowhere. Satisfied with this, she turned to pad forward through the woods. She wanted to check and see if the raven had woken up from the forced nap she had put him down for, then she would go to the barns to visit her pony.

The area still smelled like the bird when she approached it, but the animal was nowhere to be found. Good. Maybe it would spread the word that Miwa Itou was not to be trifled with. That thought brought a smile to her lips, and she set off in a different direction through the forests. It was a nice day out, a perfect day for a nice ride with her horse. She would get him first then head out on an adventure.

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